Feb 7, 2010

Life is a journey and every individual is a passenger…now days I can really feeling this from the core of my heart…
My life has reached to ahmedabad….and after long time I m coming to write something in the blog….it is not that I haven’t got the time but I haven’t got the particular mind set to write something…last 1 month time was very happening and was full of events…there were lots of things to discuss like my Amritsar trip, jaipur trip, my friendship with vinay and balraj and last days at gurgaon… later on I will pen down for all this but this time let me tell u my present days coz now a days my mind is in very consciously ‘unconscious’ state…so I have reached ahmedabad and I have promised myself that now I will take life seriously…So so so….new city..new office..new culture..new people..new challenges and same old me….a different language….all new experiences are welcoming me here….
10-12 ppl of same company but no good friend except vinay…no one has time for other people…every one want to enjoy there life…I m working hard to present myself as a fun loving, open minded animal (that is what I am)…slowly slowly I m preparing for all fights of life..to njoy the life..to learn something …to give my friends and family what they expect from me…
I have stopped thinking now and have decided to go with the flow of life….earlier which was never been my way of living….


SS said...

"ALL THE BEST" for all your efforts.

Rahimanuddin S said...

hi there, my name is rahmanuddin and am from jntu cep doing my final year B.Tech in CSE, can you help me in doing my final year project. I am supposed to propose new QoS metrics for MANET routing protocols. I require to analyse trace files of various protocols. Do i need to implement them all or can i get them from someone like you who already done something in this area. I cluelessly searched net for it and couldn't get any fruitful result.
Thanks in advance
I cant scrap you in orkut.

Arvind Yadav said...

@ss: thnx neha 4 ur sincere comments...