From many years I was wondering that why a new born child cry so much??
I mean what is the point in crying…..you r coming in a new world..you are getting a new shape…there are lots of celebrations….you should be smiling….and really many time I got irritated of this…but when I reached to Rajkot…I got a full chance to understand what is wrong with an infant.…I am in
Anyway I was getting the feeling dat how it feels when you are in a different state..much away from your parents and friends,,,you are at a place when no body understands your language…they dnt know what you want to speak, neither they care….when they are responding you, you dnt knw what they are saying…everything looks stranger to you…you are using your eyes and hands to make you understand more then your vocals…you dnt know what people are talking around you…you dnt know how to express yourself in their language..i was feeling like crying with highest peak of my vocal chord
s…and now I got it why a new born infant cry so much….
I am all alone….believe me guys when you have some work or a good company of friends then you will never realize how quickly time passes…but when you are alone and dnt have much to do then you can sense even a tick of second of your clock….
This loneliness has its huge losses on your thinking really…it started chewing you...your thinking will be tends to negative…you will feel that everybody is busy, except you….no one bothers to know how are you…no one has the time to ask what you are doing..you are in the list of no one’s priority…no one cares whether you are dead or alive….really and suddenly in a moments you will justify everything…like suicide too…
That was my mental condition in 1st week in rajkot…I was kind of fighting with my self…I believe that everybody has a good part and a devil part…and any one of them will rule your mind depending on whom you are giving more energy..and suddenly my mind becomes the devil’s workshop..
But after this I think a lot and decided to use this loneliness in my favor…I have decided to make my self sufficient busy…so that I can get rid of this negativity….i have decided to give this time to myself…to my hobbies..to develop new skills…to know people…to make myself happy…to make others happy…to know where actually I am going….to find what is my destiny…
I know the present time is toughest time in my life and it will be for 1 full year…as I am starting everything from scratch…just after 3 months theoretical training I have joined on field….zero practical knowledge as such..
But I have decided I will not surrender….i will fight….i will fight till the end of night….
I always believe that every city has certain symbols, certain codes (I know I am sounding like dan brown).. and to be comfortable with a city or a culture you have to put your breathe in synchronization to that of cities….you have to understand its codes..you have to give respect to its values,its peoples…you have to leave all your prejudices…then only you will feel comfortable….then only you can make it like home…
So if I can be able to survive in these conditions then it will be biggest confidence booster forever….
dost's comment : yadav ek baat bata .. tune Dan Brown k kitne novels padhe hai .. mujhe pata hai saare padhe hai .. haina .. harami ... tab toh kam se kam Dan Brown ko DAWN Brown mat likhta .. lazza diya yaar tune toh .. :P ..
Tushar sharma's sincere comment : yes, it's always takes a lot when u r in an unknown world. u expressed ur feelings in quite a good manner ... but i m just surprised to about your mental state. i mean the boy who has seen a lot a life is now afraid of loneliness .. nahi be .. saala tum soldier ho be ... ladna hai .. keep it up yaar ..
hmm!! i can understand.. In fact I am suffering from the same feelings for the past 20 days!! and I don't even have those persons to whom I have even said hi-bi.. :D... Guess kaun??
@tushar: hey buddy it was my mental condition in 1st week of rajkot...there r certain things which i hvnt mentioned here. in my whole life i hv never seen people who trying openly 2 pull u down,blame game n all that crapy shit...but anyway after the weekend i went 2 home n got my medicine..now i got the key 2 puzzle called life...n i m back 2 the same-old-bastard Arvind Yadav..n ya dis time with a sharp humour....
@anonymous:it must b ankit my darling...this is life dude...and will b same..nw we have 2 decide hw 2 live it..by being timid or by catching the bull by horn....
Great Dear, Its a nice way to put out of your heart everything good or bad feeling for this world. Nice writing work. keep continue with deeper thinking. Best of Luck.....
@upendra: i love 2 c dat any new old buddy is reading my blog and commenting over it...thnx buddy...
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