Jul 30, 2013

Murphy's Laws for Exams (2)

1) When you have to pen the circles in a multiple choice answer sheet you are bound to circle the bubble of question following the one you seem to be answering.
2) When you have a choice between 2 questions (say q1 and q2) and each q has 2 sub-parts you'll land-up knowing any one sub part from both q1 and q2 and then you will come to know that all the people near you are answering the q1 when you are answering q2 or vice versa and no one is there to help you.
3) The human brain is the best creation by god, it keeps on working day n night and stops the moment u enter the examination hall.
4) The person sitting near you is a know-it-all non cheating nerd.
5) Weird places where you write your answers before exam start cannot be read properly once d exam starts!!!!
6) You are tired as hell and sleepy the day before exam.
7) If you try to copy from the person sitting besides you in the exam will find that he is trying to do same, from u.
8) Your friend is dumb and doesn't know anything about the subject. You teach him everything about the subject as you are the master of subject and in exam he will get more marks than you.
9) You get sick only in the final week before the exams.
10) Paper always contains the derivations which you haven't memorized really.
11) After standing in line for an hour the printer will jam just when your turn comes up for printing your project report and the last date will be tomorrow.
12) No matter how early you post your form to New Delhi, because of national holidays and all that shit, it will reach there only one day after the last day.
13) "The teacher who gives the least marks will always check your paper".
14) No matter when you start preparing for an exam, you will always be an hour short.
15) The amount of information crammed into your head decreases as exam time approaches.
16) Whenever it happens that you've got a program working and the output is exact, the examiner wouldn't even bother checking the output.
17) You know that the notes for a particular topic exist only after the exam is over and that topic had the max ques.
18) As exams progress down goes the interest and by the final day of exams you literally want to get out of the hall.
19) The exam that you are most confident of doing well in is the one where you make silliest mistake. 65) Study holidays are seldom spent studying.
20) Easier a question is the harder it is to answer.
21) No matter how many preparation leaves you get, you end up studying on the last day.
22) Exam - this is the time when you attain the state of nirvana which otherwise hard to attain.
23) The intelligence of a person is inversely proportional to the marks he/she acquires.
24) When you have 4 options in a competitive examination question, and you are confused between the 2 options. Then you ask the correct option from the person sitting next to you and he will definitely tell you the incorrect option.
25) Possibility of falling in love is highest during the exams.
26) Sleepiness is inversely proportional to the time left in exams.
27) The more u study, the more you have the feeling that you have not studied anything and if you have studied nothing, you wouldn't even feel any tension.
28) If u copies the time table of the exam you will surely lose it and find it after all the exams getting over.
29) Whatever you know, you already know and whatever you don’t you cannot get to know before an exam.
30) You will have a sexiest girl sitting next to you during the lengthiest paper.
31) You will have a sexiest hotties sitting next to you when are solving the toughest exams of your life.
32) The marks of a class beat any random number table generated in history.
33) Whatever you copy turns out to be wrong.
34) All subjects become tough on the eve of exams.
35) The amount of ink spent during an examination is inversely proportional to cigarettes spent previous night.
36) Every time you prepare to copy by placing the nerds beside you, 99% of the time the seating arrangement will be changed once the examiner arrives!!
37) The correct answer is the one that came to your mind first but you changed it!!
38) Supervisor gives u answer sheet first and question paper last in the class and collects answer sheets first! 39) Surprise exams will be held in morning only when you are having hangover of party last night.

Murphy's Law for Exams (1)

1)                  If there are 6 units and you cover 5 units by all probability 50 % of questions will be from the unit you left!
2)                  Every time you check for a date for any exam, it has to be the last day for application sale!
3)                  The time left for exams is always inversely proportional to the course for the test.
4)                  Allyour important notes will be illegible.
5)                  When it’s an open book exam, you forget to take your book.
6)                  The part you skip will definitely come in the exam!
7)                  You will always know everything except the part that is asked in the question.
8)                  The paper you actually study for, you end up getting the least amount of marks!
9)                  The marks secured in an exam are inversely proportional to the input effort.
10)              If you remember everything you will fail, if you don’t remember anything you will fail!! But if you remember Murphy’s Law while giving exams: you will fail miserably!
11)              You can never come first ......there is always a murphy non believer to occupy that position!
12)              The happier you are after writing a paper,you score the least in it!
13)              The question that you choose to ignore will surely end up in the exam paper.
14)              Chances are that you'll invariably get caught talking to the person sitting in front of you when you're helping him, rather than when you're asking for help!!!
15)               The toughest paper always fetches the highest score.
16)               After exams you would decide to study hard from the start of the term from the next time
yet you will only start to study just before the exams and again after this exam you would decide to study hard from the start of the term from the next time.
17)               The more we study; the worse is the grades secured.
18)               You skip a topic because it has not been asked in the exams for last 5 exams and you find it as the first question. 
19)               You skip a topic because it has been asked for last exam and you believe they are not stupid enough to ask it again..phew.. that’s question no.2
20)               What you read is not whattheyask....whattheyask is what your neighbour read....what your neighbour readthat is what he writebut not what you see.....what you see and write is not whatthey asked.
21)               After the paper you always feel that the subject was very easy one.
22)               The best movies on tv are during exams...they show shit during the holidays.
23)               If u doesn’t shit before exams.....you'll definitely feel like shitting during exams.
24)               Every right answer can fetch you zero marks if u don’t know where to fit it.
25)               The day before exams you are watching a match or a good movie.
26)               In an exam...half the questions. We don’t understand and the ones we do. We don’t know the answers to!!!!
27)               The intensity of studies is inversely proportional to the number of days left for the exam.
28)               All the highly anticipated cricket matches/ soccer championships/ beauty paegants/ live concerts will inevitably fall during exam days!!!!
29)              In your exam days the weather is always cosy and romantic. You'll always feel this is not a weather to give exam it’s for going out with gf or friends it’s the time we should be out of our house and we have to close ourselves in our rooms.
30)               The day exams finish its hot, sweaty, humid,loo blowing like as if we r in the middle of a desert with scorching sun.
31)               It always happens that when you are not prepared for a particular paper your partner is even worse prepared.
32)               When you are praying to god that you get the sweetest supervisor, the demons hear u out and give you a hitler who never leaves your side!!!!!!!!
33)              If you have an exam tomorrow...there would be a power failure today.
34)              If you help someone in some test, the person who you helped will score more than you.
35)              You recall everything but the answers when in an examination hall.
36)              The questions are always easy, it’s the answers that play hard to get.
37)              All functions occur during exam days!
38)              Longest gap is given for d easiest paper....or when not required.
39)              If u goes to an exam after studying the whole syllabus, 90% questions would be out of syllabus.
40)              University exams always clash with yourcompetitive exams and you have to sacrifice the latter.
41)              The closer your exams, longer will be d stay of d guests.
42)              Whenever u thinks that u will study the early next morning,u end up getting up so late.
43)              Everyone seems to be better prepared than you in an exam.
44)              You'll always put a - in place of a + in your exams.
45)              The one sitting nearest to you will take a hundred "extra sheets" apart from that he/she will never show u an answer.

Jul 14, 2013

Some law's Related to food...

1. While eating anything hot and spicy your eyes would always itch.
2. The testiest food has the worst after effects.
3.The spill ability of a food item is directly proportional to the price/newness of the clothes you are wearing.
4.The hotter the day, the more ice-cream ads you'll have to sit through.
5.Toast always falls buttered side down.
6.The waiting in restaurants is always directly proportional to your hunger and yeah once u get in the service is always worse as compared to normal days.
7.When you are damn hungry, you will find the food to be insipid.
8.Hunger is directly proportional to Insipidity of food.
9.If you have buttered a slice of bread and it slips from your hand and falls down. You pray to god that it shouldn’t fall with the buttered side on the ground but inevitably it does.
10.White shirts always attract curries/chocolate sauce/ tea-coffee and anything that would make a permanent mark on them.
11.Your desire to eat some food is inversely proportional to your restriction to eat that particular item.
12.The more the restrictions, the more u desire!!
13.The phone will always ring when you are eating in a messy way with both hands!!
14.Mom cooks your favourite, delicious, cheesy, creamy food when you are on a strict diet.

Jul 7, 2013

The Zahir....

Recently i finished "The Zahir" by Paulo Coelho and simply love some points which i like to share...
1. I know that freedom has a high price, as high as that of slavery; the only difference is that you pay with pleasure and a smile, even when that smile is dimmed by tears.
2. When someone leaves, it’s because someone else is about to arrive.
3. Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the abilities to choose and commit yourself to –what is best for you.
4. We humans have two great problems: the first is knowing when to begin; the second is knowing when to stop.
5. People do their best not to remember and not to accept the immense magical potential they possess, because that would upset their neat little universes.
6. We just don’t all have the courage to follow our dreams and to follow the signs.
7. What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.
8. It is not life that matters but journey.
9. When people praise us, we should keep a close eye on how we behave.
10. The universe tells us when we are wrong by taking what is most important to us.
11. Don’t be too grateful too soon.
12. The energy of hatred won’t get you anywhere but the energy of forgiveness, will transform your life in a positive way.
13. Blessed are those who don’t afraid to admit that they don’t know something.
14. When I had nothing more to lose, I was given everything. When I ceased to be who I am, I found myself. When I experienced humiliation and yet kept on walking, I understood that I was free to choose my destiny.
15. Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.
16. If someone is capable of loving his partner without restrictions, unconditionally, then he is manifesting the love of god.
17. There are two kind of world: the one we dream about and the real one.
18. It is a question if the heart of a man or woman can contain enough love for more than one person.
19. No one should ever ask themselves that: why am I unhappy? The question carries within it the virus that will destroy everything. If we ask that question, it means we want to find out what makes us happy. If what makes us happy is different from what we have now, then we must have either change once and for all or stay as we are, feeling even unhappy.
20. The most important thing in all human relationships is conversation, but people don’t talk any more, they don’t sit down to talk and listen. They go to theatre, the cinema, watch television, listen to the radio, read books, but they almost never talk.
21. Everything in this universe is interconnected and has a meaning. That meaning may remain hidden nearly all the time, but we always know we are close to your true mission on earth when what we are doing is touched with energy of enthusiasm.
22. There is always an event in our lives that is responsible for us failing to progress: a trauma, a particularly bitter defeat, can make cowards of us and prevent us from moving on. As part of process to increase our hidden power s, we must first free our self from that giving up point and, to do so, we must review his whole life and find out where it occurred.