Jul 20, 2020

Bottom Lines

  1. Listen to your intuition.
  2. Learn to laugh at yourself.
  3. Knowledge is power.
  4. Avid confrontations but don’t run from them.
  5. When in doubt follow your own moral compass.
  6. Don’t talk negatively about your colleagues.
  7. Foolish things said by many is still a foolish thing.
  8. If you're not going forward, you are going backward.
  9. The creative mind spots wrong questions, the uncreative mind spots wrong answers.
  10. Never burn bridges.
  11. Be in charge of your own reputation.
  12. Slay your enemies with kindness.
  13. Slep on it before making monumental decisions.
  14. Catch an employee doing something good.
  15. Genius is in the details.

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