May 14, 2016

Most serine places

In my life I have traveled a lot. I met many peoples and visited many places but there are very few places which i can describe as most serine or the places where i felt very peaceful. Here are the list of few such places:
1. Gurudongmar Lake, Sikkim: One hell of an experience.
2. Taj Mahal,Agra: Sitting on the marbles of Taj Mahal with your loved ones is actually a must do thing.
3. Mental Asylum,Bangalore: Before going there i dont know one such place exist in our society. One dirty secret of otherwise sophisticatic society.
4. Vrindavan: Attending Evening prayer in ISCKON temple will take yopu to some other world.
5. Golden Temple,Amritsar: A total beauty.
6. Meeting a Lama: Meeting somebody who has no materialistic life can actually make you feel wonder.
I know the list is quite small but it will be updated regularly.

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