Jan 2, 2020

President is Missing

I just finished reading " President is Missing" by James Patterson and Bill Clinton. It was a decent political thriller with its heart in the right place. Sharing some important lines of this novel:
1.                 Politics can be cruel in the way it treats its wounded.
2.                 Who’s more popular than a challenger?
3.                 His cards are probably better than mine, but he’s a kid, and I play poker for a living.
4.                 Until I’m dead, I’m alive.
5.                 He is a soldier looking for a war, a hero in search of a moment of heroism.
6.                 Nobody does anything for nothing.
7.                 Mourn your losses later, after the fights over, when you’re in the fight, fight.
8.                 Peaceful protest is one of the most admirable forms of patriotism.
9.                 Surrounding yourself with sycophants and bootlickers is the surest route to failure.
10.            Most people would wilt under the gaze, under the discomfort of silence.
11.            One of the things she has learned over the years is the art of not responding too quickly. It buys you time and makes you seem more deliberative.
12.            Sun Tzu said, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer,”
13.            I appreciate your loyalty; keep your eye on the prize.
14.            It’s always easier just to take out the leader. If there is nothing else to learn from history, it’s that from humans to animals, from the most primitive to the most civilized, most individuals want to be led. Take out the leader and the rest of the pack panics.
15.            She isn’t exactly wearing a white hat in all this.
16.            A missed shot is far worse than no shot.
17.            Sometimes…smart people do dumb things.
18.            Trust can blind.
19.            Politics is little more than blood sport.

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